Thursday, March 8, 2018

¡Viajemos a España!

Bullfighting is a cultural tradition in Spain dating back to 711 AD. Though many view this long-standing tradition as art and culture, others view it as torture and animal cruelty. A bullfight has three rounds: the spear round, the "barbed-spear" round, and the death round. During the first two rounds, the bull is weakened and agitated by a serious of stabbings by different members of the bullfighting team. In the final round, the death round, the bull is stabbed in the heart by the matador after entertaining the crowd with dance-like "paseos" and movements with the traditional red cape. The crowd's reaction determines the matador's prizes: one ear, two ears, or two ears and the tail of the bull. Thousands and thousands buy tickets every year to witness this cultural Spanish tradition. After viewing the two articles and any other research you would like to do on your own, let us know your thoughts. Do you consider bullfighting a form of art and culture? Or do you see it as a form of animal torture?